Publications Maria Schönbächler
Selected publications from Prof. Dr. Maria Schönbächler, Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology at ETH Zürich.
1. Book contributions
Hunt A.C., Peters B., Davies C., Schönbächler, M. (2025) The theory and applications of ion exchange and extraction chromatography in geochemistry. In: Weis, D and Anbar, A. (eds.) Treatise on Geochemistry, 3e. vol. 8, pp. 317-347. UK: Elsevier.
Schönbächler M., (2018) Ion exchange chromatography, In: White W. M. (Ed), Encyclopedia of Geochemistry: A Comprehensive Reference Source on the Chemistry of the Earth, Springer International Publishing, external page DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-39193-9_113-1
Schönbächler M., (2018) Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS), In: White W. M. (Ed), Encyclopedia of Geochemistry: A Comprehensive Reference Source on the Chemistry of the Earth, Springer International Publishing, external page DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-39193-9_111-1
Schönbächler M., (2016) Crossing Borders, Exploring the World, In: Folkers G. and Schmid M. (Eds), Breakthroughs: Ideas at ETH Zurich that Shaped the World, Chronos, Zürich, pp. 41-50
Schönbächler M., and Fehr M., (2013) Basics of ion exchange chromatography for selected geological applications, In: McDonough W. F. (Eds), Treatise of Geochemistry second Edition, Elsevier, pp. 124-146 external page
Rehkämper M., Schönbächler M., and Andreason R., (2012) Application of MC-ICP-MS to Isotopic Analysis in Cosmochemistry, In: Vanhaecke F. and Degryse P. (Eds), Isotopic analysis: Fundamentals and applications using ICP-MS, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, pp. 275-315 external page
2. Editorial
Morbidelli A., Karato S.I., Ikoma M., Alibert Y., Blanc M., Elkins-Tanton L., Estrada P., Hamano, K., Lammer H., Raymond S., Schönbächler, M., (2018) Topical Collection on the Delivery of Water to Proto-Planets, Planets and Satellites. Space Science Reviews, 214, pp.110. external page
3. Peer-reviewed articles
Schönbächler M., Fehr, M. A., Yokoyama T. with 87 co-authors (2025). Zirconium isotope composition indicates s‐process depletion in samples returned from asteroid Ryugu. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 60(1), 3-16. external page
Frossard P., Ball J. M., Schönbächler, M. (2025). High-precision Sm isotope analysis by thermal ionisation mass spectrometry for large meteorite samples (> 1 g). Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 40, 146-161. external page
Walton C. R., Rigley J. K., Lipp A., Law R., Suttle M. D., Schönbächler M., Wyatt M., Shorttle O. (2024). Cosmic dust fertilization of glacial prebiotic chemistry on early Earth. Nature Astronomy, 1-11. external page
Anguelova M., Vilela N., Kommescher S., Greber N. D., Fehr M. A., Schönbächler, M. (2024). Constraining the mass-dependent Ti isotope composition of the chondritic reservoir–An inter-laboratory comparison study. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 372, 171-180. external page
Liu N., Lugaro M., Leitner J., Meyer B. S., & Schönbächler M. (2024). Presolar grains as probes of supernova nucleosynthesis. Space Science Reviews, 220(8), 88. external page
Ravindran A., Peters B. J., Mezger K., Hasenstab‐Dübeler E., Maya J. M., Schönbächler M. (2024). Distinct Hadean mantle sources of felsic and mafic terranes juxtaposed in the Paleoarchean. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25(12), e2024GC011834. external page
Roethlin R. L., Meister A. C., Gilli A., Lennartz S. T., Amsler H. E., Dittrich M., Wehrli B., Schönbächler M., Dubois, N. (2024). Tin contamination in sediments of Lake Zurich: source, spread, history and risk assessment. Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 117(1), 22. external page
Morton, E. M., Pickard, H., Wombacher, F., Huang, Y., Palk, E., Martins, R., Kuthin S., Schönbächler M., Rehkämper M. (2024). Volatile Element Depletion of Carbonaceous Chondrites—Insights from Mass-dependent Zinc, Cadmium, and Tellurium Isotope Variations. The Astrophysical Journal, 977(1), 53. external page
Capelo H. L, with 15 co-authors including Schönbächler M. (2024). Gas permeability and mechanical properties of dust grain aggregates at hyper-and zero-gravity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 533(3), 2762-2785. external page
Bischoff, A., with 28 co-authors including Schönbächler M. (2024). Cosmic pears from the Havelland (Germany): Ribbeck, the twelfth recorded aubrite fall in history. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 59, 2660-2694. external page
Bischoff, A., with 27 co-authors including Schönbächler M. (2024). The anomalous polymict ordinary chondrite breccia of Elmshorn (H3‐6)—Late reaccretion after collision between two ordinary chondrite parent bodies, complete disruption, and mixing possibly about 2.8 Gyr ago. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 1-36 external page
Yokoyama T., with 91 co-authors including Schönbächler M. (2023). Water circulation in Ryugu asteroid affected the distribution of nucleosynthetic isotope anomalies in returned sample. Science advances, 9(45), eadi7048. external page
Yokoyama T., with 149 co-authors including Schönbächler M. (2022). Samples returned from the asteroid Ryugu are similar to Ivuna-type carbonaceous meteorites. Science, eabn7850. external page
Nakanishi N., with 88 co-authors including Schönbächler M. (2023). Nucleosynthetic s-Process Depletion in Mo from Ryugu samples returned by Hayabusa2. Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 28, 31-36. external page
Debaille V., Schönbächler M., Valdes M., Maeda R., Poudelet M., Goderis S., Heck P., Tollenaar V., Zekollari H., Claeys, P., 2023. In search for new meteorite dense collection area in the Sor Rondane mountains. external page page
Rüfenacht M., Morino P., Lai Y. J., Fehr M. A., Haba M. K., Schönbächler, M. (2023). Genetic relationships of solar system bodies based on their nucleosynthetic Ti isotope compositions and sub-structures of the solar protoplanetary disk. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 355, pp.110-125. external page
Jäggi N., Roth A. S., Rüfenacht M., Schönbächler M., Galli, A. (2023) Micro‐XCT chondrule classification for subsequent isotope analysis. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, external page
Halfar M. C., Peters B. J., Day J. M., Schönbächler M. (2023). An isotopically enriched mantle component in the source of Rodrigues, Réunion volcanic hotspot. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 355, 32-47. external page
Tissot F. L., Ibañez-Mejia M., Rabb S. A., Kraft R. A., Vocke R. D., Fehr M. A., Schönbächler M., Tang H., Young E. D. (2023). A community-led calibration of the Zr isotope reference Materials: NISTcandidate RM 8299 and SRM 3169. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. external page
Lugaro M., Ek M., Pető M., Pignatari M., Makhatadze G. V., Onyett I. J., Schönbächler M., (2023). Representation of s-process abundances for comparison to data from bulk meteorites. The European Physical Journal A, 59, 53. external page
Hunt A. C., Theis K. J., Rehkämper M., Benedix G. K., Andreasen R., Schönbächler M. (2022). The dissipation of the solar nebula constrained by impacts and core cooling in planetesimals. Nature Astronomy, 1-7. external page
Hutchison M. A., Bodénan J. D., Mayer L., Schönbächler, M. (2022). Presolar grain dynamics: Creating nucleosynthetic variations through a combination of drag and viscous evolution. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 512, 5874-5894. external page
Anguelova M., Fehr M. A., Takazawa E., Schönbächler M. (2022). Titanium isotope heterogeneity in the Earth’s mantle: a case study of the Horoman peridotite massif. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 335, 356-368. external page
Pickard H., Palk E., Schönbächler M., Moore R.E., Coles B.J., Kreissig K., Nilsson-Kerr K., Hammond S.J., Takazawa E., Hémond C., Tropper P., Barfod D.N., Rehkämper M. (2022). The cadmium and zinc isotope compositions of the silicate Earth–Implications for terrestrial volatile accretion. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 338, 165-180. external page
Capelo H.L., Kühn J., Pommerol A., Piazza D., Brändli M., Cerubini R., Jost B., Bodénan J.D., Planchet T., Spadaccia S., Schräpler R., Blum J., Schönbächler M., Mayer L., Thomas N. (2022). TEMPus VoLA: The timed Epstein multi-pressure vessel at low accelerations. Review of Scientific Instruments, 93, p.104502. external page
Williams N. H., Fehr M. A., Parkinson I. J., Mandl M.B., Schönbächler M. (2021). Titanium isotope fractionation in solar system materials. Chemical Geology, 568, p.120009. external page
Cook D. L., Meyer B. S., Schönbächler M. (2021). Iron and Nickel Isotopes in IID and IVB Iron Meteorites: Evidence for Admixture of an SN II Component and Implications for the Initial Abundance of 60Fe. The Astrophysical Journal, 917, 59. external page
Vernazza P., with 30 co-authors including Schönbächler M. (2021). Sample return of primitive matter from the outer Solar System. Experimental astronomy, 1-25. external page
Bockelée-Morvan D., with 45 co-authors including Schönbächler M. (2021). AMBITION–comet nucleus cryogenic sample return. Experimental Astronomy, pp.1-52. external page
Haba M. K., Lai Y. J., Wotzlaw J. F., Yamaguchi A., Lugaro M., Schönbächler M. (2021). Precise initial abundance of Niobium-92 in the Solar System and implications for p-process nucleosynthesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118. external page
Lichtenberg T., Dra̧żkowska J., Schönbächler M., Golabek G. J., & Hands T. O. (2021). Bifurcation of planetary building blocks during Solar System formation. Science, 371, 365-370. external page
Bischoff A., with 40 co-authors including Schönbächler M.. (2021). The old, unique C1 chondrite Flensburg – Insight into the first processes of aqueous alteration, brecciation, and the diversity of water-bearing parent bodies and lithologies. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 293, 142–186. external page
Bodénan J.D., Surville C., Szulágyi J., Mayer L., Schönbächler M. (2020). Can chondrules be produced by the interaction of Jupiter with the protosolar disk?. The Astrophysical Journal, 901(1), p.60. external page
Gillmann C., Golabek G.J., Raymond S.N., Schönbächler M., Tackley P.J., Dehant V., Debaille V. (2020). Dry late accretion inferred from Venus’s coupled atmosphere and internal evolution. Nature Geoscience, 13(4), 265-269. external page
Righter K., Schönbächler M., Pando K., Rowland II R., Righter M., Lapen T. (2020). Ag isotopic and chalcophile element evolution of the terrestrial and martian mantles during accretion: New constraints from Bi and Ag metal-silicate partitioning. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 552, p.116590. external page
Lugaro M., with 18 co-authors including Schönbächler M.. (2020). Origin of large meteoritic SiC stardust grains in metal-rich AGB stars. The Astrophysical Journal, 898(2), p.96. external page
Cook D. L., Leya I., Schönbächler M. (2020). Galactic cosmic ray effects on iron and nickel isotopes in iron meteorites. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. external page
Toth E. R., Fehr M. A., Friebel M., Schönbächler M. (2020). Cadmium isotopes in chondrites and acid leachates: Nucleosynthetic homogeneity and a monitor for thermal neutron capture effects. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 274, 286-301. external page
Mezger K., Schönbächler M., Bouvier A. (2020). Accretion of the Earth - Missing Components?. Space Science Reviews, 216, 1-24. external page
Ek M., Hunt A. C., Lugaro M., Schönbächler M. (2020). The origin of s-process isotope heterogeneity in the solar protoplanetary disk. Nature Astronomy, 4, 273-281. external page
Friebel M., Toth E. R., Fehr M. A., Schönbächler M. (2020). Efficient separation and high-precision analyses of tin and cadmium isotopes in geological materials. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 35, 273-292. external page
Haba M., Wotzlaw J.-F., Lai Y.-J., Yamaguchi A., Schönbächler M. (2019). Mesosiderite formation on asteroid 4 Vesta by a hit-and-run collision. Nature Geoscience, 12, 510-515.
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Bischoff, A., with 22 co-authors including Schönbächler M. (2019). The Renchen L5-6 chondrite breccia–the first confirmed meteorite fall from Baden-Württemberg (Germany). Geochemistry. external page
Trinquier A., Maden C., Fauré A. L., Hubert A., Pointurier F., Bourdon B., & Schönbächler M. (2019). More than Five Percent Ionization Efficiency by Cavity Source Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry for Uranium Subnanogram Amounts. Analytical Chemistry, 91, 6190-6199. external page
Haack H., Sørensen A. N., Bischoff A., Patzek M., Barrat J.-A., Midtskogen S., Stempels E., Laubenstein M., Greenwood R., Schmitt-Kopplin P., Busemann H., Maden C., Bauer K., Schönbächler M., Dahl-Jensen T. (2019). Ejby - a new H5/6 ordinary chondrite fall in Copenhagen, Denmark. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 54, 1853-1869 external page
Unsalan, O., and 79 co-authors including Schönbächler M. (2019), The Sariçiçek howardite fall in Turkey: Source crater of HED meteorites on Vesta and impact risk of Vestoids. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 54, 953-1008. external page
Roth A. S., Liebske C., Maden C., Burton K. W., Schönbächler M., Busemann H. (2019). The primordial He budget of the Earth set by percolative core formation in planetesimals. Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 9, 26-31. external page
Cook D. L., Smith T., Leya I., Hilton C. D., Walker R. J., Schönbächler M. (2018). Excess 180W in IIAB iron meteorites: Identification of cosmogenic, radiogenic, and nucleosynthetic components. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 503, 29-36.
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Argapadmi W., Toth E. R., Fehr M. A., Schönbächler M., Heinrich C. A. (2018), Silver Isotopes as a Source and Transport Tracer for Gold: A Reconnaissance Study at the Sheba and New Consort Gold Mines in the Barberton Greenstone Belt, Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa. Economic Geology, 113, 1553-1570.
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Alibert Y., Venturini J., Helled R., Ataiee S., Burn R., Senecal L., Benz W., Mayer L., Mordasini C., Quanz S. P., Schönbächler M. (2018) Jupiter formation by hybrid pebble-planetesimal accretion. Nature Astronomy, 2, 873-877.
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Bouvier L. C., Costa M. M., Connelly J. N., Jensen N. K., Wielandt D., Storey M., Nemchin A. A., Whitehouse M. J., Snape J. F., Bellucci J. J., Moynier F., Agranier A., Gueguen B., Schönbachler M., Bizzarro M. (2018), Evidence for extremely rapid magma ocean crystallization and crust formation on Mars. Nature, 558, 586-589
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Henshall T., Cook D. L., Garҫon M., Schönbächler M. (2018), High-precision strontium isotope analysis of geological samples by thermal ionisation mass spectrometry. Chemical Geology, 482, 113-120.
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Szymanowski D., Fehr M. A., Guillong M., Coble M. A., Wotzlaw J. F., Nasdala L., Ellis B. S., Bachmann O., Schönbächler M. (2018), Isotope-dilution anchoring of zircon reference materials for accurate Ti-in-zircon thermometry. Chemical Geology, 481, 146-154.
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Hunt A. C., Cook D. L., Lichtenberg T., Reger P. M., Ek M., Golabek G. J., Schönbächler M. (2018), Late metal–silicate separation on the IAB parent asteroid: Constraints from combined W and Pt isotopes and thermal modelling. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 482, 490-500.
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Lichtenberg T., Golabek G. J., Dullemond C. P., Schönbächler M., Gerya T. V., Meyer M. R. (2018), Impact splash chondrule formation during planetesimal recycling. Icarus, 302, 27-43.
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Palk C., Andreasen R., Rehkämper M., Stunt A., Kreissig K., Coles B., Schönbächler M., Smith, C. (2017), Variable Tl, Pb, and Cd concentrations and isotope compositions of enstatite and ordinary chondrites - Evidence for volatile element mobilization and decay of extinct 205Pb. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 53, 167-186.
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Cook D. L. and Schönbächler M. (2017), Iron Isotopic Compositions of Troilite (FeS) Inclusions from Iron Meteorites. The Astronomical Journal, 154, 172.
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Peslier A. H., Schönbächler M., Busemann H., Karato, S.I., (2017), Water in the Earth’s Interior: Distribution and Origin. Space Science Reviews, 212, 743-810.
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Hunt A. C., Ek M., Schönbächler M. (2017), Separation of Platinum from Palladium and Iridium in Iron Meteorites and Accurate High-Precision Determination of Platinum Isotopes by Multi-Collector ICP-MS. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 41, 633-647
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Hunt A. C., Ek M., Schönbächler M. (2017), Platinum isotopes in iron meteorites: galactic cosmic ray effects and nucleosynthetic homogeneity in the p-process isotope 190Pt and the other Platinum isotopes, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 216, 82-95.
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Ek M., Hunt A. C., Schönbächler M. (2017), A new method for high-precision palladium isotope analyses of iron meteorites and other metal samples, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 32, 647-656.
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Bischoff A., Barrat J.A., Bauer K., Burkhardt C., Busemann H., Ebert S., Gonsior M., Hakenmüller J., Haloda J., Harries D., Heinlein D., Hiesinger H., Hochleitner R., Hoffmann V., Kaliwoda M., Laubenstein M., Maden C., Meier M. M. M., Morlok A., Pack A., Ruf A., Schmitt-Kopplin P., Schönbächler M., Steele R. C. J., Spurny P., Wimmer K. (2017). The Stubenberg meteorite - An LL6 chondrite fragmental breccia recovered soon after precise prediction of the strewn field. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 52, 1683-1703.
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Akram W., & Schönbächler M. (2016), Zirconium isotope constraints on the composition of Theia and current Moon-forming theories, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 449 302-310.
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Cook D. L. and Schönbächler M. (2016), High-precision measurement of W isotopes in Fe–Ni alloy and the effects from the nuclear field shift, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 31, 1400-1405.
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Akram W. and Schönbächler M. (2016), Zirconium isotope constraints on the composition of Theia and current Moon-forming theories." Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 449, 302-310.
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Iizuka T., Lai Y.-J., Akram A., Amelin Y., & Schönbächler M. (2016), The initial abundance and distribution of 92Nb in the Solar System, Earth. Planet. Sci. Lett., 439, 172-181.
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Burkhardt C., and Schönbächler M. (2015), Intrinsic W nucleosynthetic isotope variations in carbonaceous chondrites: Implications for W nucleosynthesis and nebular vs. parent body processing of presolar materials, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 165, 361-375.
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Akram W., Schönbächler M., Bisterzo S. and Gallino R. (2015), Zirconium isotope evidence for the heterogeneous distribution of s–process materials in the solar system, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 165, 484-500.
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Arnold T., Markovic T., Kirk G. D. J., Schönbächler M., Rehkämper M., Zhao F. J., Weiss D., (2015), Iron and zinc isotope fractionation during uptake and translocation in rice (Oryza sativa) grown in oxic and anoxic soils, C. R. Geoscience, 347, 397-402.
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Bridgestock L. J., Willimas H., Rehkämper M., Larner F., Giscard M. D., Hammond S., Coles B., Andreason R., Wood B. J., Theis K. J., Smith C. L., Benedix G. K., and Schönbächler M. (2014), Unlocking the zinc isotope systematics of iron meteorites, Earth. Planet. Sci. Lett., 400, 153-164.
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Akram W., Schönbächler M., Sprung P., and Vogel N. (2013), Zirconium-hafnium isotope evidence from meteorites for the decoupled synthesis of light and heavy neutron-rich nuclei, Astrophy. J., 777, 169-181.
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Theis K. J., Schönbächler M., Benedix G. K., Rehkämper M., Andreason R., and Davis C. (2013), Palladium-silver chronology of IAB iron meteorites, Earth. Planet. Sci. Lett., 361, 402-411.
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Abouchami W., Galer J. G. S., Horner T. J., Rehkämper M., Wombacher F., Xue Z., Lambelet M., Gault-Ringold M., Stirling C. H., Schönbächler M., Shiel A. E., Weis D. and Holdship P. F. (2012), A common reference material for cadmium isotope studies – NIST SRM 3108, Geostand. Geoanal. Research, doi: 10.1111/j.1751-908X.2012.00175.x.
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Quitté G., Latkoczy C., Schönbächler M., Halliday A. N., and Günther D. (2011), 60Fe-60Ni in the eucrite parent body: a case study of Bouvante and Juvinas, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 75, 7698-7706.
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Xue Z., Rehkämper M., Schönbächler M., Statham P. J., and Coles B. J. (2011), A new methodology for precise cadmium isotope analyses of seawater, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., doi:10.1007/s00216-011-5487-0
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Schönbächler M., Carlson R. W., Horan M. F., Mock T. D. and Hauri E. H. (2010), Heterogeneous accretion and the moderately volatile element budget of Earth, Science 328, 884-887.
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Arnold T., Schönbächler M., Rehkämper M., Dong, S., Zao F.-J., Kirk G. J. D., Coles B. J. and Weiss D. J. (2010), Measurement of zinc stable isotope ratios in biogeochemical matrices by double-spike MC-ICPMC and determination of the isotope ratio pool available for plants from soil, Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 398, 3115-3125
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Horner T. J., Schönbächler M., Rehkämper M., Nielsen S. G., Williams H., Halliday A. N., Xue Z. and Hein J. R. (2010), Ferromanganese crusts as archives of deep water Cd isotope compositions, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 11, doi:10.1029 /2009GC002987.
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Baker R. G. A., Schönbächler M., and Rehkämper M., Williams H. M., and Halliday A. N. (2010), The thallium isotope composition of carbonaceous chondrites – new evidence for live lead-205 in the early solar system, Earth. Planet. Sci. Lett. 291,39-47.
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Leya I., Schönbächler M., Krähenbühl U., and Halliday A. N. (2009), New Titanium isotopes data for Allende and Efremovka CAIs. Astrophy. J. 702, 1118-1126.
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Küppers M., with 54 co-authors including Schönbächler M., (2009), Triple F - A comet nucleus sample return mission, Experimental Astronomy 23, 809-847.
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Schönbächler M., Carlson R. W., Horan M. F., Mock T. D. and Hauri E. H. (2008), Silver isotope variations in chondrites: volatile depletion and the initial 107Pd abundance of the solar system, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 72, 5330-5341.
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Carlson R. W.,Shirey S. B., and Schönbächler M., (2008), Applications of PGE radio-isotope systems in geo and cosmochemistry, Elements 4, 239-245.
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Leya I., Schönbächler M., Wiechert U., Krähenbühl U., and Halliday A. N. (2008), Titanium isotopes and the radial heterogeneity of the solar system. Earth. Planet. Sci. Lett., 266, 233-244.
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Schönbächler M., Carlson R. W., Horan M. F., Mock T. D. and Hauri E. H. (2007), High precision Ag measurements in geologic materials by multiple collector ICPMS: an evaluation of dry- versus wet-plasma, Int. J. Mass Spec. 261, 183-191.
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Leya I., Schönbächler M., Wiechert U., Krähenbühl U., and Halliday A. N. (2007), High precision titanium isotope measurements on geological samples by high resolution MC-ICPMS, Int. J. Mass Spec. 262, 247-255.
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Fehr M. A., Rehkämper M., Halliday A. N., Schönbächler M., Hattendorf B. and Günther D. (2006), Search for nucleosynthetic and radiogenic tellurium isotope anomalies in carbonaceous chondrites, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 70, 3436-3448.
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Schönbächler M., Rehkämper M., Fehr M. A., Halliday A. N., Hattendorf B. and Günther D. (2005), Nucleosynthetic zirconium isotope anomalies in acid leachates of carbonaceous chondrites, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 69, 5113-5122.
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Schönbächler M., Lee D.-C., Rehkämper M., Halliday A. N., Hattendorf B. and Günther D. (2005), Nb/Zr fractionation on the moon and the search for extinct 92Nb, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 69, 775-785.
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Schönbächler M., Rehkämper M., Lee D.-C., Halliday A. N. (2004), Ion exchange chromatoraphy and high precision isotopic measurements of zirconium by MC-ICPMS, Analyst 129, 32-37.
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Schönbächler M., Lee D.-C., Halliday A. N., Rehkämper M., Hattendorf B. and Günther D. (2003), Zirconium isotope evidence for incomplete admixing of r-process components in the solar nebula. Earth. Planet. Sci. Lett. 216, 467-481.
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Schönbächler M., Rehkämper M., Halliday A. N., Lee D.-C., Bourot-Denise M., Zanda B., Hattendorf B. and Günther D. (2002), Niobium-zirconium chronometry and early solar system development. Science 295, 1705-1708.
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Hattendorf B., Günther D., Schönbächler M., and Halliday A. N. (2001), Simultaneous ultratrace determination of Zr and Nb in chromium matrixes with ICP-dynamic reaction cell MS. Anal. Chem. 73, 5494-5498.
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Halliday A. N., Lee D.-C., Porcelli D., Wiechert U., Schönbächler M. and Rehkämper M. (2001), The rates of accretion, core formation and volatile loss in the early Solar System. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. 359, 2111-2135.
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Rehkämper M., Schönbächler M. and Stirling C. H. (2001), Multiple collector ICP-MS: Introduction to instrumentation, measurement technique and analytical capabilities. Geostandards Newsletter 25, 23-40.
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