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Isotope Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry group

The Isotope Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry group is part of the Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. It encompasses three research teams that use fundamental chemical and isotopic techniques to understand natural processes on a range of temporal and spatial scales, including the formation of the Solar System and its planets and the evolution of the ocean chemistry and the weathering processes on Earth.

Formation of the Solar System and the planets

This team, led by Prof. Maria Schönbächler, investigates the origin and the evolution of our Solar System and its planets with particular focus on, in particular our planet Earth. This includes the formation of the Moon, the Earth’s core and the first continents. Read on

Geochemical evolution of the Earth’s surface

The Earth’s surface geochemistry team, led by Prof. Derek Vance, pursues dynamic research programs that focus on the characterisation of the processes involved in the evolution of the Earth’s surface, its environment, climate and biosphere. Read on

Noble gas cosmo- and geochemistry

The group, led by Prof. Henner Busemann, studies processes ranging from stellar nucleosynthesis and the chemistry of the interstellar medium to planet formation, cometary volatile delivery, transport of meteorites, chronology and landscape evolution, using the specific properties of noble gases. Read on


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